le spire del tempo
h. 450 cm
le spire del tempo
h. 450 cm
palazzo della Provincia di Pordenone
The spires of time
Sculptural work realized  on a spiral structure of 10mm iron sheet, mosaic realized by marbles, venetian smaltos and stones
placed at  Pordenone County Hall (Italy).
Project report below

Time and space, although relative on an individual level, are essentially two inseparable conditions: there is not a measurable space without time and time couldn’t flow without space. Because of this intimate relationship, the contraction power of Time tends to reduce the expansion of Space, compels and moulds it. It's like the Time simultaneously measured and in a similar way dissipated the Space. And, although it oppose to the other anyway it ever depends on this other. This cosmic duel seems to unwind at a gradually growing speed and, far from being uniform and linear, it qualifies itself at every instant in a different way, moving on a coiling bearing around an imperishable axis.
The Time is often perceived as something hostile to us. It constrains us to run after it, to challenge it, to face it, we try also to actively oppose but it relentless flows. Now proud witnesses but also victims of the Spires of Time, we tend to perceive them as enemies which are trying to tangle and seize us like a constrictor snake. Rising the sight from the daily individual condition of life, we hint the most precious and subtle aspect of the going by of events on an unlimited sequence of instants, that is our creation and moulding as individuals coming from and facing towards a continuous flow of metamorphosis.
And this is the way I wanted to represent the dicotomy of the concept "the Spires of Time", through a spiral which develops in an ascending way around an invisible but necessary axis moulding by essential lines a feminine silhouette.
It’s a spire that originates from the earth and her colours, blending this all as they were the elements which everything is made of, it develops and settles them upwards, light wards, towards the Sun, the mover and the measurer of Time.
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